Jumat, 04 Januari 2019

An Essay About "Be A Leader"

Be a Leader
          In 2013, I was in the first grade in senior high school. I interested to join in Rohis. Rohis(rohani islam) is an extracurricular that explain and learn about islam. My reason to join that extracurricular was I want to improve my religious knowledge. In the beginning, I don’t know how to join that group because I was the only girl from my class want to join Rohis and I don’t know anyone. But I make myself brave to join that extracurricular.
            I followed so many activities from that extracurricular. Such as, get more knowledge about my religion and be a part of committee for PHBI (perayaan hari besar Islam). I was active in that group in every Friday and I enjoyed my duty as a member of that group. In the next year, in 2014. I was in second grade. I followed the training leadership in Rohis. I was a leader in the group. I always say to my members “we have to be cohesive and we can be the best group, fighting!”. But actually, I felt so nervous. I always thinking “can I do this well? Oh god, please help me to do this”. My senior asked me “what will you do if you be a leader of keputrian? Can you held keputrian Akbar? “. I said optimistically “yes, I sure with every risk”. I was the leader of keputrian. Every day we busy to make design of keputrian Akbar event. We sold foods in the class to get money for that event. We did it with all effort and Keputrian Akbar was success.
            I am so grateful because the program was success. This is so really meant to me and other members. With this we learn how to be a good person in social life. I learn, Just sure you can and do it with your heart and it’ll happen.


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. Pagi itu, 25 September 2019. Pagi-pagi sekali aku dan keluargaku sudah bangun, yaitu sekitar jam 3. Hari ...