Senin, 03 Februari 2014

Tugas ujian praktek SMP - B.inggris

Halo teman-teman.. Nama blogku kan dunia tugas sekolah maka aku akan membagikan salah satu tugas sekolahku. Semoga bermanfaat dan bisa jadi bahan referensi untuk tugas sekolah kalian.. ayo tingkatin semangat belajar kita tuk raih masa depan yang cemerlang.. :)

Sedikit cerita mengenai tugasku ini.
Sebenarnya ini adalah tugas ujian praktek B.inggris aku waktu smp. Ini dihapalin loh dan maju kedepan untuk praktekinnya. Aku maju dengan teman sebangkuku Darmawati dan guru yang menyaksikan kami adalah ma'am Cucu Rustini. Aku sangat bersyukur dengan apa yang telah kuperoleh saat ini, dengan teks dialogue ini dapat menghantarkankku lulus dari SMP 176 dengan nilai yang memuaskan.. Alhamdulillah :)


Diajukan untuk Tugas Ujian Praktek Bahasa Inggris
SMP Negeri 176 tahun 2012
The theme : Expressing Asking and Giving Opinion (DISASTER)
TAHUN AJARAN 2011/2012
Rounded Rectangle: The Tittle of our Dialogue : “Global Warming”


Oleh :
NURUL ABIDAH   {28}  (No.Peserta : 03-405-184-9)
                   DARMAWATI          {11}  (No.Peserta : 03-405-167-2)

Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 176
Jakarta Barat

The Dialogue

The Opening       :   Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb good morning everybody! Hi, our teacher. I am Nurul Abidah and my partner is Darmawati, we would like to tell you about our dialogue entitled global warming, please enjoy it. Here is our dialogue.

Let’s see our dialogue

The Situation    :  When Nurul and Darma take a rest at school, Darma come to Nurul while Nurul is reading a magazine about global warming then Darma Joins with Nurul, after that they are talking about global warming of on this earth.

Darma          :                Hi, Nurul ! Good morning!
Nurul           :                Hi, Darma ! Good morning too
Darma          :                How are you this morning?
Nurul           :                I’m very well thank you. How about you?
Darma          :                I’m fine too, thanks
Nurul           :                I Like this morning because the air is fresh and the park is beautiful
Darma          :                Yup, me too Nurul! Same like you. By the way, what are you doing here, Nurul ?
Nurul           :                Oh, I’m reading this magazine. How about you?
                                      What are you doing here, Darma?
Darma          :                I want to take a rest here to refresh my mind And what kinds of magazine do you read?
Nurul           :                Oh, Do you want to know about this magazine?
Darma          :              Yes, Of course. Because you look very serious to read it can you tell me please?
Nurul           :                Yes, I really serious to read this magazine. It is about global warming. Global warming is very hazard for creatures on the earth especially for human. Do you know about Global Warming, Darma?
Darma          :                Yes, But a little. I know about Global Warming from television. I watched about it on the TV last night And I’m very interesting with your magazine. I want to know about the detail of Global Warming.
Nurul           :                Oh, no problem. C’man join with me, let’s read about Global Warming in this magazine. Here you are.
Darma          :                Yup, Can you tell the definition of Global Warming? please!
Nurul           :                Yes, I can, In my opinion Global Warming is a process increase to the rising average temperature of earth’s atmosphere and oceans. And the effect of it is dangerous for creatures on the earth. And  you?
                                      What do you think about Global Warming?
Darma          :                Oh, I see. Thanks for your info. To my mind, Global Warming is dangerous for creatures on the earth. Because the effect of greenhouse gases, (Show a picture) like this! Particulates and soot and solar  activity. How about you?  What’s your opinion about the cause of Global Warming?
Nurul           :                Oh, according to me, like this magazine. Look at this article! The cause of Global Warming is air pollution like the fumes from vehicles, illegal logging (Show a picture) like this and also ….. do you know?         
Darma          :                What?? Please don’t make me embittered! (he,he)
Nurul           :                The perfume that we use also can make Global Warming. do you know about it Darma?
Darma          :                No. where do you know?
Nurul           :                Of course, from this magazine. It can happen because the content have CFC (Chlorofluor  Carbon), that is a substance can decrease the amount of ozone. If it happen can the ultraviolet touch our skin.
Darma          :                Wow, oh my good. It is very dangerous for us. I know if the ultraviolet touch our skin can give a disease of skin to our skin.
Nurul           :                Yes, of course. Darma! But. Do you have any opinion to decrease of prevent the Global Warming on our earth?
Darma          :                Yes, First we have to keep our green environment of course.
Nurul           :                Like this! (show a picture)  we can do go green ?
Darma          :                Yes, that’s true. We can do go green at our environment and also we can ride public transportation to decrease the air pollution.
Nurul           :                I agree with your opinion Darma I hope people in our earth also do like your opinion to decrase or prevent Global Warming so our earth can be a comfortable to live for life creatures.     
Darma          :                Yeah. I hope too Nurul I. and also not happen some disaster like floods, droughts, damaging storms, and human not suffer from new disease that the consequence of Global Warming
Nurul           :                Look! At 12.00 O’clock. Time for lunch C’mon let’s go to canteen I hope we can get the benefit for our conversation today, Darma.
                                      Thanks and let’s go to the canteen
Darma          :                Yup, I agree, you’re welcome Nurul.
                                      I hope too C’mon

Closing     :    That’s all about our dialogue. Sorry, if there mistake in our   dialogue.
                      Thanks for your attention. Good morning and wassalamualaikum WR.WB..


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